Futuri Mobile Art Assets

The art assets in your Futuri Mobile app are classified in one of three ways:

  • Web assets - These are assets that are hosted by Futuri's servers and fetched over the internet every time the user opens your app.
  • Native assets - These are assets that are built into your Futuri Mobile app and are downloaded onto the user's device when the app is installed so they can be accessed with or without an internet connection.
  • Store assets - These are the logos and screenshots that users see when they look up your app in their app store(s).

Web Assets

Web assets can be uploaded at any time in the Futuri Control Room and can take effect without having to push an update to the app store(s).

Examples of web assets in Futuri Mobile that can be managed in the Futuri Control Room:

Logo typeDescriptionWhere to edit
Mobile App LogoThis is displayed in various places throughout the app.Mobile App > Logos and Images
Facebook LogoThis is displayed on Facebook when users share a song with their friends on the social network.Mobile App > Logos and Images
Badge Icons Badge assets are all web assets. For more information on Badge Icons, click hereMobile App > List Badges
Display Ads The banner ads that display at the bottom of the app. For more information on banner ads, click here.Mobile App > Manage Ads
On-Air Now Defaults (News/Talk only)For time periods when the station is not using the On-Air Now feature, Futuri Mobile can display a placeholder image or HTML (such as DFP or dayparted show icons).Mobile App Talk Features > On-Air Now Defaults.
Secondary Stream Logos If your app has an On Demand / Podcast page, each stream can have its own logo.Mobile App Talk Features > 24/7 Streams
(News/Talk stations)
Mobile App > Secondary Streams
(Music stations)

Native Assets

Because native assets are downloaded to the user's device when the app is initially installed, a change to native assets will require a rebuild of your Futuri Mobile app and are not designed to be changed temporarily for contesting or short-term promotions. Remember, after we rebuild your app and submit it to Apple, there is a 7-10 day review process before those changes go live.

If your station plans to change formats/branding, it is important to plan ahead with your art assets and coordinate a rebuild with Futuri VIP Support so that the app can have your new branding the same day as your format/branding changes.

If you need to change your native assets, please contact Futuri VIP Support so we can unlock the Futuri Control Room's Initial App Setup form for you.

Examples of native assets in Futuri Mobile that require a rebuild of your app include:

  • Splash Screens - These are the screens that are displayed as your app is loading. There are various dimensions required to fit different devices (see the Initial App Setup form in the Futuri Control Room for dimensions).
  • Homescreen Icons - These are the icons displayed on the user's home screen and app menu(s). There are various dimensions and transparency requirements for these as well (see the Initial App Setup form in the Futuri Control Room for dimensions).

Store Assets

Store assets are uploaded to the App Store and Google Play Store and generally do not require a rebuild of your Futuri Mobile app.

You can submit new store assets by directly logging in to your developer account with each store, or you can send those assets to Futuri VIP Support to upload for you.

Examples of store assets:

  • App Store Icon - This is the main icon in each store.
  • Featured/Promo Graphics (Google Play only) - These assets are displayed on some Android devices when viewing your app's listing in the Google Play app.
  • Screenshots - Each app store requires at least one screenshot on the various available device types (i.e. iPhone 4/5/6, iPhone 6 Plus, and iPad). Futuri will typically take and upload 4-5 screenshots from each device when we submit your app to stores, or you can upload your own.
  • Videos - Both app stores allow optional video submissions demonstrating how each app works. Because these apps are white-labeled for the station brand, Futuri does not have a default video to submit with each app. If you'd like to provide a video to display with your app's store listing, you can send it to Futuri VIP Support or log in to your developer console and upload it directly.

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