This article will walk you through how to setup a basic Now Playing export for your Futuri Transmitter from SS32.
Before beginning, you will need to assign your Static IP address. Click here for instructions on how to setup a static IP address for your transmitter.
Now Playing Setup:
- DSM32 is recommended for Now Playing data from SS32 to your Futuri Transmitter. If this your first time using DSM32, you will need to indicate if you are using SS32 or Maestro. (Refer to the SS32/Maestro tab.)
- Setup SS32 to send "Format D" to DSM32 on port 5500 or set DSM32 to connect to "Maestro on port 11108".
All users will then need to create a new "Pass Through" account as a host, using "Format XML". The IP address is the IP of your Futuri Transmitter.
- If you are using a Single Station Transmitter, set DSM32 to port 9001.
- If you are using a Multi Stream Transmitter, you should use port(s) 900X where X is (the station number of the transmitter slot).
- Select the "Send Only First" (Playing) Line.