Instant Request Songs - for Futuri Mobile & Tether

"Instant Request" songs are the non-voting-session songs displayed in Tether and your Futuri Mobile app. Users can peruse your station's library, give their feedback on the songs they like and dislike, and sign up for alerts when their requests are about to play.

How Instant Request Songs are Populated


By default, your Instant Request list will show the 250 songs that received the most spins in the last 7 days on your station, listed in random order. We call this function "autopop." If you spin fewer than 250 songs per week, all of your weekly spun songs will be displayed. As new songs come into this spin threshold, they will be added to your playlist, and as songs drop out of this spin threshold, they will be removed from the playlist.

You can customize the number of songs available for voting in the Futuri Control Room under Instant Request Songs > Playlist. Please note that the script to populate this list runs each night at midnight, so if you need to have it refresh the available songs immediately, you can email Futuri VIP Support and request that we run the script manually for you.

"Sort by Spins"

If you'd like to have the Vote Page load songs in order by spin count (to place your currents at the top and golds at the bottom), Futuri VIP Support can configure this for you.

"Add Only"

Additionally, Futuri VIP Support can configure your vote page to automatically ADD songs without REMOVING old songs. This is ideal for gold-based stations with deeper libraries. To have this adjusted, please email Futuri VIP Support.

Manually Curated Instant Request Lists

If you'd prefer to manually manage your Instant Request choices, you can upload a CSV file containing Artist, Title, Cut ID, and Automation Category. Note that Automation Category is only required if your automation system is WideOrbit or SS32.

These CSV files can be uploaded in the Futuri Control Room. When you upload a CSV file on this page, the songs in that file will REPLACE the existing Instant Request list, not add to it. The page where you'll upload these CSV files will vary depending on the Futuri platform your station uses:

  • Tether stations - Found under #engage Playlists > Library
  • LDR1, Takeover, and Futuri Mobile stations - Found under Instant Request Songs > Playlist

To make sure your CSV is not over-ridden the next time our script populates the Vote Page, you'll also want to un-check the Auto-populate Playlist option in the Futuri Control Room.

For information on gathering stats on your Instant Request songs, click here.

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