TopicPulse Content Advantage First Draft

TopicPulse First Draft does exactly what it says - creates your First Draft for a social media post, a short web article, script, or talking points.  Give it a try by following the steps below.

1. Hover your mouse over a story, and you’ll see a pencil and notepad icon appear on the right side of the story.

2. When you click the pencil and notepad icon, you’ll be presented with three options: Social Post, Short Article, and Talking Points.

Click on one or all options to let AI automatically generate a First Draft for you.

3. Your First Drafts will appear in the side panel, and you can click on them to read the full details.

4. Simply copy and paste any content you would like to use. Then, review and edit it as needed to create your final product.

Make the First Drafts your own by adding your station or anchor’s voice, story context, time stamps, and more. Note in your script when a story has been trending on TopicPulse all day. 

Examples:  "This is a story you have probably seen on your social media today…" or "This next story has been trending on social media for the last 3 hours…"

Talking Points First Drafts are an easy and efficient way to learn about trending stories. They drill down the details into bullet points from the news sources covering the topics.  They are also a great interview prep resource to inspire questions for a live guest during your show or a pre-recorded interview.

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