Creating "Best-Of" Stacks in Prep+

A great way to save time and maximize usage of content is to create "Best-Of" stacks in Prep+.  In this way, you can repurpose your Prep+ content curated during the week for weekend/vacation or best-of rebroadcasting.  

Follow the easy steps below to learn how:

1.  Right-click in the yellow area under MY STACKS and select to CREATE STACK. Title the new stack with a name that reflects this is "Best Of" content.

2.  Drag-and-drop desired content into the Best-Of Show stack throughout the week.  To review the content at any time, simply click on the stack.

3.  After producing your Best-Of Show, you can clean out your stack by right-clicking on the stack and emptying the content.  Then, repeat again for the following week!

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